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Wednesday, March 27, 2024



Job application letter is a document that is often read before any other document attached to a job application. It is good that the job application letter is prepared carefully, and try to briefly touch on the things that appeared in the personal profile to attract the potential employer.

considering the usual rules for writing official official letters, such as where there is the address of the writer, addressee, date, signature, and so on, the following things are important to be emphasized when writing a letter requesting work/employment:

1. Headline (letter) that is understandable

make sure the headline is self-contained. Use words that clearly describe the position being requested to help the reader know what you want. It is important to use clear and easily understood words, understanding that the recipient of the request sometimes does not have time to think about what you have written.



It is clear what you want directly.

2. Show where you got the information about the job you are applying for

after you are satisfied with the headline, it is important the sentence that starts below it, to return to the date of the job advertisement you are applying for along with the reference number if there is one or explain how you heard about the existence of a job vacancy.

example, "Refer to your job vacancy announcement with reference number XXX in the Tanzanian newspaper dated August 24, 2014."

Others like to write unnecessary sentences like, "The above headline caught you". It's just a habit but you don't have to start like that.

3. Say clearly that you are applying for a job

After saying where you found out about the job you are applying for, use the next sentence to explain your intention to apply for the job. Remember the reader of the letter does not have time to read a lot of your information, it is important to write everything briefly and clearly.

example, "I am writing this letter to apply for an Accounting job in your company/organization/institution as directed in the advertisement I mentioned."

4. Match the job duties with the skills you have

what follows in the following paragraphs is to show how you can handle the responsibilities mentioned in the advertisement by aligning them with the skills and professional qualifications you have as well as the work experience you have. often the job duties are specified in the job advertisement so it is very important to show that you meet those duties directly.

If those duties are not shown in the job advertisement, it is advisable to do some research to find out what those duties are. The employer expects you to do your due diligence before you write the letter.example, "I have the ability to keep accurate records of your company's calculations, because, apart from studying for an Accounting Certificate at the Buguruni Accounting College, I have volunteered experience for 13 months doing accounting work in Company XXX. Also, I have received online financial training so I can handle those responsibilities properly."

5. Conclude politely and eloquently

It is good to conclude your letter by showing that you are suitable for the job you are applying for. careful choice of words will give you extra points to show that you know how to communicate well. No employer wants to hire someone who doesn't know how to express themselves properly.

For example, you can say that you introduce your sincere thanks and explain that you are ready to be called for an interview. you can finish by mentioning the documents you attached with the letter.

Things to avoid

When writing an important letter like a job, use words that create an image of a calm, respectful and understanding person, who can explain his abilities well without showing unreasonable arrogance. avoid using words of command, which do not show humility, informal street words.

You have no reason to mention the name of the recipient of the request even if you know him. Mention his title if necessary, but using words like Brother, Dear Sir/Madam is more appropriate.

Also, make sure the language you use is fluent, understandable and free of spelling mistakes. Avoid mistakes Grammatical mistakes give the image of carelessness and laziness and can cost you even if you really have professional qualifications. Remember, academic qualifications are not the only criteria used to make hiring or non-hiring decisions.

In addition, you do not need to introduce yourself and provide unnecessary information that you mentioned in the profile you will attach.

for example, it is not appropriate to fill out a paper with information such as, "I am a 24-year-old male, born in the village of Kwa Mtoro in Kondoa District, Dodoma Region. I studied Kindergarten in Rorya district, and then I moved to Kyela for Primary School studies until second grade and then... I moved to Lomwe primary school, then I went... and so on". These details are disappointing, and show that you are not creative nor methods of communication.

last and important, it is a mistake to want to be convinced to give false information in an effort to create a positive image that does not exist. Undeserved praise, get rid of it. They will cost you.

In conclusion, a job application letter is your attempt to show the employer how creative and able to communicate effectively. Make the most of that opportunity.

It is wise to understand that applying for a job is not getting a job. it's a part of the journey that sometimes takes a long time to find satisfying answers. While you are waiting for answers, it is wise to do activities that can develop you and develop your skills even if you have to volunteer without pay.

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