The Central Bank of Tanzania, led by Governor Emmanuel Tutuba, has invited its stakeholders to Dodoma - It's N Life

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Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Central Bank of Tanzania, led by Governor Emmanuel Tutuba, has invited its stakeholders to Dodoma


The Central Bank of Tanzania, led by Governor Emmanuel Tutuba, has invited its stakeholders to Dodoma where various guests have attended the event including government and religious leaders, financial institutions, specialized groups, orphanages and Central Bank employees.

speaking at the event held on March 26, 2024 at the General Venance Mabeyo Hall, Governor Tutuba has urged religious leaders and all citizens to pray for the nation to continue to have stability, solidarity and peace to enable citizens to continue working for prosperity and developmentof the nation as a whole."The blessings that we continue to receive as a country are possibly due to the prayers of each one of us," he said.

Governor Tutuba added that with the blessings of God, Tanzania has grown to have the strongest economy in the East African region despite the presence of various economic challenges in the world.

For his part, the Deputy Governor (Stability and Management of the Financial Sector), Mrs.sauda Kassim Msemo, said that the Central Bank, like other institutions in the country, organizes an event like this today, for its employees, but also by inviting its various stakeholders to come together and thank God.

speaking earlier, the Chief Sheikh of Dodoma Region, Mustapha Rajab Shabani and Pastor John Kamoyo from the Christian Community of Tanzania (CCT) have congratulated the Central Bank for organizing the event that involved various groups in the community and emphasized the importance of believers of all religions to continue to cooperate in building and developing the economy of our country.

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