Many fasting people tend to overeat sweet foods during the month of Ramadan, which nutritionist Reem Al-Abdallata says:
"The problem is in the way we eat food. when the faster eats a large quantity of dates, which is sugar - at the beginning of breakfast...
"It stimulates and increases the level of insulin in the blood, which leads a person to want to eat, especially sweet foods."
he adds: "The mistake many people make is to start breakfast by eating between 3-5 dates and then drinking juice, especially those juices in the month of Ramadan that have a lot of sugar."
The expert mentions the reasons why people like to eat sugary foods excessively during the month of Ramadan, it is due to the increased feeling of needing sugar, after the level of sugar in the body decreases during fasting.
Reem Al-Abdallat explains: "It is more pleasant for the person breaking the fast to eat one date and then eat something with protein, such as chicken, fish, meat, or even a glass of milk."
Experts recommend drinking water at breakfast, which contributes to reducing the desire to eat sweet things.
Nutritionists also say drinking enough water helps hydrate the body and protect it from dehydration.
nutrition expert Reem Al-Abdallat emphasizes the importance of using juices and drinks that are not sweetened with natural sugar, with the aim of preserving human health and avoiding weight gain.
Foods and Our Emotions
Psychologist Rasha Bouana said during her interview with the BBC: "As the blood sugar level decreases, a fasting person finds himself wanting to eat sweet things, because they increase energy in the body."
He adds: "But that's not the only reason. this desire can also be linked to psychological reasons, as eating sweet foods is linked to our feelings of happiness. Eating sweets releases the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for feelings of satisfaction and happiness."
"What is important for us is to understand the relationship between the foods we eat and our feelings, as this can help us eat a healthy and beneficial diet."
The psychologist advises to seek medical advice if your abstinence efforts are unsuccessful, as frequent cravings for sweets are an indicator of a health problem.
Control the appetite for sweet foods
nutritionists say that controlling the appetite for sweet foods during the month of Ramadan starts with breakfast until dinner.
Decide on a specific time to eat sweet foods during Ramadan, as fasting people should not eat sweet things at the beginning of the main meal of the future.
doing so will lead to overeating due to hunger and may cause stomach upset.
Therefore, the best time to eat sweet things is two or three hours after breakfast, and you should eat in small amounts and not every day.
don't eat only sweet things, it's better to eat with something bitter, like a cup of coffee, to reduce the feeling of needing to eat more sweet things.
After eating something sweet, drink water, milk, yogurt, or a few nuts to control the insulin level in your body.
cook delicious meals yourself at home to control the quantity and quality, and reduce the number of calories as much as possible.
Make sure sweet things are not always available in your home, as their presence increases the appetite
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